Making the CGM switch? Here’s what you need to know!
One of the most popular hair care routines in the Philippines is the Curly Girl Method. If you don't know what CGM is or if you're planning to make the switch to the Curly Girl Method, we got you!
First things first, what is the Curly Girl Method?
Over the years, most members of the curly community has tweaked and adapted different techniques from the original CGM. We're here to help you navigate your own Curl Care Journey, whether you want to follow this method strictly or with modifications.
Starting your CGM Journey
Do you have highly porous hair? Is your hair thick or dense? Do you have fine, medium or coarse strands? Are you wavy, curly, coily, kinky, or a mix of some?
These pieces of information will serve as your guide in choosing the right products, ingredients, and techniques for your hair.
If you don't know your hair type yet, read our Curl Care Basics Guide first.
Now, let's start your CGM Journey! Click to read CGM 101: Do's and Dont's